thank you
that i can't change my mom
but i can change my flight
i can change my attitude
i can change my perspective
for freedom in the reality of things within my control
for her longcuts
her buttons
and that my experience with it this weekend is going to help someone else
for korean bbq
a walk on the pier
just in time for the fast setting sun
the unsuspecting fishing community
mackeral doing their last dance before their little fish spirits leave their bodies
that he caught it on film
not enjoying the taste of alcohol anymore even if it comes in gelato form with coconut and chocolate
handfuls of people who check in and give a fuck
that everything is not better over there
or when i get x y and z
everything i need is where ever i am
funny little baby hairs that curl up
sweaty feet in canvas tennies
that i don't need to eat mcdonalds and have a cocktail while sitting in the airport
that number 67 of 73 is fucking comical at this point
not tripping if i make the flight
or if my luggage will be ok
being alright in not knowing what's going to happen in the next few hours
the next few days
this month
standing by
tell me when to go